Published translations

Click the link beside each book for a fuller description or follow the Amazon link.

The tenderness of God

“There is a thirst for tenderness among the people around us; there are so many, young and old, who are ready to undertake almost anything, do anything, no matter what, because of this longing; and for so many of them, young and old, it becomes a hopeless search; they never suspect, far less know, that the most extraordinary tenderness is God’s, that the very source of all tenderness is in him.” Amazon link here.

The Silence of God during the Passion

Where was God the Father during the passion of His beloved Son? What was Jesus’experience? Daniel meditates closely on 9 elements of the events around Jesus’death. Amazon link here.

Becoming a Disciple

1. Come, follow me, ie behind. 2. Come unto me, take my yoke upon you —alongside. 3. Abide in me; I in you and you and me – in. Practical, inspired meditation in discipleship. Should be a text book for every Bible school! Amazon link here.

Repentance – Good News!

Repentance is the grace of a life time – really a grace, since it is God who gives repentance. Daniel looks in depth at repentance as preached by Jesus, particularly in contrast to John the Baptist. However, the basis of repentance is God’s repentance. Yes, God repents, and is said to do so a number of times in the OT: ‘How could one not be reconciled to such a God?’ Amazon link here.

Spiritual Maladies

This is something of a seminal work, with two major strands. Firstly, God as therapist, not judge; this theme is elaborated in a detailed look at God’s dealings with Cain. Then, secondly, the pastoral strength of the system worked out long centuries ago for dealing with the ‘maladies’ – greed, pride, avarice etc. Always with Jesus at the centre. Amazon link here.

Praying the Psalms

Do we need help with prayer? The book of Psalms is God’s textbook, yet has pitfalls; we need to read and pray through the mind of Christ. Amazon link here.

From Darkness to Light

3 meditations. Particularly insightful is the account of the ‘penitent thief’ crucified with Jesus. Psalm 88 is a demonstration of intimacy with God in the midst of suffering. Then Mary Magdalene moves from morbid grief to commissioning as a vital witness to the Resurrection. Amazon link here.

On the banks of the Jordan

This is a very strong statement on the Trinity. The opening section examines in detail the deity/divinity of Jesus, particularly as expressed by Thomas – “My Lord and my God.” If Jesus is not God, then there is no Trinity. What is the testimony of the New Testament? Having gone deep into the heart of the Gospel in this way, Daniel turns to look at the Trinity as present in each of the NT accounts of Jesus’ baptism. Amazon link here.

The Last words of Jesus before the Cross

Subtitled ‘Meditations in John 13-16’, the French translates as ‘The final discourse before the cross’. This is an invaluable account of these great chapters, focusing very much as we might expect from Daniel on Jesus’ relationship with his disciples. Amazon link here

The Humble Divinity of Jesus in Mark’s Gospel vol 1

Whereas we might have a tendency to “see humility as incompatible with divinity,” humility is of the essence of divinity, as demonstrated in Mark’s gospel, explored in this book as Daniel meditates a number of events. Amazon link here.

The Humble Divinity of Jesus in Mark vol 2

The stilling of the storm, the twin healings of the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus’ daughter, the boy with the spirit and the father who cries out for help with his unbelief; these, 3 events meditated here, each demonstrating Jesus’ humility in action. Amazon link here.

Philemon of Gaza meditates Mark’s Gospel

6th century meditations on Mark which have deeply impacted Daniel Bourguet, often with nice personal touches, always with great reverence. There is a lot of substance to Philemon’s thinking. The translation into French of his work has been edited by Daniel. Amazon link here.

Philemon of Gaza meditates Matthew’s Gospel

This is the second in the series of Philemon’s meditations. Often very surprising in its perspectives and frequently very illuminating. These are really classics from the distant past and very applicable today. Philemon’s main them is perhaps humility. Amazingly good; primarily as devotional tools but also for historical value. Amazon link here.

Encounters with Jesus

A crook, a man cut off from society, an elderly widow and a grand old man of faith, all encounter Jesus and are either significantly changed or contribute significantly to our understanding. Daniel is very good on these personal accounts in ways that are easily applicable to ourselves as we read. Amazon link here.

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

What is and how do we obtain a pure heart?. The first meditation on the cleansing of the 10 lepers focuses on the one who returned, leading to an insightful look at the Levitical process of cleansing. There is a chapter on psalm 51 and then one on tears. Amazon link here.

The World – Sanctuary and Battlefield: Reflections on Jesus Final Prayer in John 17

Essentially a meditation on John 17, the subject is sanctification, Jesus sanctifying us to live in his Father’s world as as a sanctuary and then engage with the world as a battlefield. Amazon link here.

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